Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012!!!!

I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year!!!!!!!

May it be filled with blessings and joy! And I hope the Mayans were wrong with their 'end of the world' prediction lol.

I don't believe in resolutions, but I do believe in making goals for the new year.

My goals for 2012:

* Get an Agent/ Get book published

* Take a fabulous vacation with my family

* Spend more time with my friends

* Be more honest with my loved ones

* Spend my money wiser (lol, this means less shopping)

* Go to more Author signings in my area (I already go to a lot, but my goal is to find more to attend. I found a local bookstore that hosts signings that I never knew about, so I am sure I will be there!)

What goals or resolutions did you make for 2012

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Your goals are a bit like mine. I'm a single mom though, so I'm not sure how good my work is.